![Advantage Realty Ltd Tauranga Central](https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/tm/property/agent_logos/office_branding/3556669-office_branding-3.jpg)
![Cindy Dansey](https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/tm/property/agent_individual_profile/agent_individual_profile6166160v7.jpg)
Cindy Dansey
9 years and 3 months of experience
5 Sold
in last 12 months
0 For sale
About Cindy Dansey
Cindy takes the time and effort to work with clients every step of the way. She offers the highest level of customer service. Her clients best interest are always a priority.
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Cindy's career overview
Cindy's testimonials
Cindy's properties
Here you can see all of the properties Cindy currently has for sale and has sold in the last 12 months on trademe.co.nz. It may not contain off-market and private sales.
Nothing for sale currently
![Cindy Dansey](https://trademe.tmcdn.co.nz/tm/property/agent_individual_profile/agent_individual_profile6166160v7.jpg)
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