Listing Description
Prominent Golden Mile Retail
215 - 229 Lambton Quay, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington
Price by negotiation
Attribute | Value |
Property use | Retail |
Property ID# | IUD823 |
Agency reference | agentpoint-8093081 |
215 Lambton Quay provides a unique opportunity for quality brands to open their flagship sites on Lambton Quay. Three opportunities are available from 33sqm up to 558sqm with wide frontage onto Lambton Quay, glazed exterior on the busiest part of the Golden Mile.
The location is surrounded by quality retailers with Partridge Jewellers, Nespresso, Seed Heritage, Glassons, Patridge, Vance Vivian all in neighbouring properties. Lambton Quay continues to be Wellington's preferred retail location for National and International Retailers.
Retail 1: 558sqm Spanning two floors, the tenancy provides 282sqm on the ground with 276sqm on level 1, both can be leased individually.
Retail 2: 33sqm Located on the corner of the building's entrance, with excellent showcasing opportunities.
Retail 3: 146sqm The well-appointed fit-out has changing rooms, a double entry door, and an array of security systems in place.
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