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Bayleys Real Estate - Auckland Central Commercial, (Licensed: REAA 2008)

Edin Rotokauri, Corner Burbush and Te Kowhai Roads

Deadline sale by 25 Oct

Listing Description

Listed: Mon, 11 Sep

A 108ha premium masterplanned development site

Edin Rotokauri, Corner Burbush and Te Kowhai Roads, Rotokauri , Hamilton, Waikato

To be sold by deadline sale (by 25 Oct)


  •   1077666m² Land
Property use
Development site
Agency reference


Edin Rotokauri offers a rare opportunity to acquire a premium, large-scale, masterplanned development site that is consented and ready to go. Options are available to purchase the 108ha site as a whole, or alternatively a 75ha block (Stages 1, 2 and 3) or 33ha block (Stage 4) as shown below.

Well-located in north-western Hamilton, the site benefits from close proximity to the CBD, public transport nodes, major arterial routes (SH1 and SH39), employment precincts and amenities.

The Edin Rotokauri masterplan provides for up to 1,500 residential dwellings across the circa 108ha offering, with the potential to increase the yield through greater density. It also includes a neighbourhood centre providing local retail amenity, reserves, community park and provision for a primary school.

Edin Rotokauri will ultimately provide a high-quality urban environment accommodating the growing population of Hamilton City, one of New Zealand’s fastest growing metropolitan centres.

The scale, location and advanced stage of this masterplanned community ranks Edin Rotokauri amongst the best ready-to-go development projects in the country and presents an opportunity not to be missed.



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Bayleys Real Estate - Auckland Central Commercial, (Licensed: REAA 2008)

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