Listing Description
22.0 ha And All the Buildings You want
1819 Mataraua Road, Kaikohe, Far North, Northland
Asking price $995,000
Attribute | Value |
Property type | Dwelling |
Capital value (CV) | $980,000 |
Parking | 4 garage spaces |
Agency reference | KHE30204 |
This is a 22.0911 ha (more or less) versatile lifestyle farmlet. The house is 145 m2 3 bedroom plus an ensuite . A NZ style bungalow with Arts & Crafts Influences around exterior decking and curved porticos. The ramps were added more recently. An adjacent exterior wing contains a sleepout, laundry and toilet plus multiple garaging, workshop, timber storage and 2 loose boxes. A further single garage is in the corner of the house section. Nearby is a woolshed with covered yard. A cattle yards and loader is sited at the property rear with another small yard and loader at the front entrance. All together a great property to be doing all those livestock or horsey activities you thought about getting into? All set in a quiet country area with a stream running through and plenty of mature exotic and native trees.
Asking $995,000 incl GST (Vendor not registered).