Basket Case

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Basket Case (1982)

With memorably gruesome scenes and some disturbing stop-motion animation, Frank Henenlotter's Basket Case - finally available on DVD - is one of the most beloved, cheerfully demented cult classics of all time.Carrying a mysterious wicker basket around with him, Duane Bradley arrives in Manhattan and checks into a sleazy Times Square Hotel. What's in the basket, you as...
Director:Frank Henenlotter
Cast:Kevin VanHentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel
Rated R16 R16 Contains Violence, Sex Scenes and Content that may Offend
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With memorably gruesome scenes and some disturbing stop-motion animation, Frank Henenlotter's Basket Case - finally available on DVD - is one of the most beloved, cheerfully demented cult classics of all time.Carrying a mysterious wicker basket around with him, Duane Bradley arrives in Manhattan and checks into a sleazy Times Square Hotel. What's in the basket, you ask? Why, Duane's hideously misshapen siamese twin brother, Belial, of course! Originally born attached to Duan's side, the little monster was surgically removed by some quack doctors and rudely left for dead in a plastic garbage bag. But Belial survived, and Duane has hit the Big Apple with beastly bro to wreak havoc on the surgeons who separated them.
Director:Frank Henenlotter
Cast:Kevin VanHentenryck, Terri Susan Smith, Beverly Bonner, Robert Vogel, Diana Browne, Lloyd Pace, Bill Freeman, Joe Clarke, Ruth Neuman, Richard Pierce, Sean McCabe, Doroth
Run time:91 minutes

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