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Auctions supporting Kiwis for kiwi

Trade Me is an official supporter of Kiwis for kiwi.

When placing a listing, sellers can choose to round their success fee to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to Kiwis for kiwi. For example, if the success fee is $1.80, it is rounded up to $2, and 20c is donated to the charity. Donors will receive an email receipt at the end of the tax year (around 1 April) in order to claim a tax rebate.

Participating auctions display the Kiwis for kiwi logo.

All funds donated through Trade Me go directly to Kiwis for kiwi. To find out more about what Kiwis for kiwi is doing to help the kiwi, check out the Kiwis for kiwi website.

Want further assistance?

  • Our 0900 support line is currently unavailable but we've still got our internet connection so flick us an email if you need our help!
  • Email us your questionWe aim to respond within 3-5 days.