

How do I pay for my item?
We accept Pay Now and Afterpay payments in our store and all payments must be completed at time of purchase. We do not accept any other methods of payment in our Trade Me store.
When will my order be shipped?
When we receive your order, we will ship it in 3 days.
My item has arrived faulty - what is the procedure?
If you have a faulty item that you would like refunded, repaired or replaced, please contact our customer service team at before sending the item back. If emailing regarding a fault, please attach pictures of the fault so the item can be assessed before a return is approved.. In cases where a faulty item was received a pre-paid shipping label can be emailed to cover the return costs on the faulty item.
Faulty items may be returned outside of the regular returns time frames providing the item is still under warranty. Some faults must be approved by the manufacturer before a refund or replacement can be issued. In this case we will keep you informed on a regular basis via email updates. This process usually takes around 2 weeks and once completed you should receive your refund or replacement within 1-3 business days.