3CNZ Tech


113 positive feedbacks. 109 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
1 neutral feedbacks.
0 negative feedbacks.
Last logged in: 23 May 2024
Member since: July 2016
Listings in the last two months: 15
Final rating: 109 - 0 = 109
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 114 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  >>
jaquit (365 365 positive feedback) 10/5/24
customer1st was the seller

kev21 (242 242 positive feedback) 3/5/24
customer1st was the seller

geekstore (100729 100729 positive feedback) 1/5/24
customer1st was the buyer

2easy4 (76 76 positive feedback) 9/1/24
customer1st was the seller

fatboi96 (51 51 positive feedback) 7/1/24
customer1st was the seller

jabez37 (173 173 positive feedback) 4/1/24
customer1st was the seller

ivorymae (15 15 positive feedback) 20/12/23
customer1st was the seller

bigweebee (189 189 positive feedback) 16/12/23
customer1st was the seller

chargerruswgtn (2232 2232 positive feedback) 15/12/23
customer1st was the buyer

larry193 (38 38 positive feedback) 9/12/23
customer1st was the seller

macgregor68 (124 124 positive feedback) 6/12/23
customer1st was the seller

oscar44 (145 145 positive feedback) 6/12/23
customer1st was the seller

kayleestorm95 (188 188 positive feedback) 24/11/23
customer1st was the seller

jag91c (85 85 positive feedback) 24/11/23
customer1st was the seller

sarahsarita (298 298 positive feedback) 21/11/23
customer1st was the seller

hopetaranaki (2 2 positive feedback) 18/11/23
customer1st was the seller

cuda2 (1076 1076 positive feedback) 2/11/23
customer1st was the seller

foxyfaerie (11 11 positive feedback) 28/10/23
customer1st was the seller

harbourfishhq (47 47 positive feedback) 13/10/23
customer1st was the seller

ekimskie (15 15 positive feedback) 9/10/23
customer1st was the seller

easybuyone (3031 3031 positive feedback) 5/10/23
customer1st was the buyer

mandrewdog (444 444 positive feedback) 30/9/23
customer1st was the seller

logical-cents (383 383 positive feedback) 12/9/23
customer1st was the seller

blueshiftnz (144350 144350 positive feedback) 1/9/23
customer1st was the buyer

blueshiftnz (144350 144350 positive feedback) 31/8/23
customer1st was the buyer

reene55 (27 27 positive feedback) 30/8/23
customer1st was the seller

graham20 (982 982 positive feedback) 29/8/23
customer1st was the seller

rubyrayrose (1262 1262 positive feedback) 28/8/23
customer1st was the seller

docwholun (473 473 positive feedback) 13/4/23
customer1st was the seller

kobeee2210 (7 7 positive feedback) 23/3/23
customer1st was the seller

goodestore (2128 2128 positive feedback) 28/2/23
customer1st was the buyer

allymae40 (126 126 positive feedback) 19/2/23
customer1st was the seller

fatmoon (67470 67470 positive feedback) 10/2/23
customer1st was the buyer

colinm5 (251 251 positive feedback) 20/12/22
customer1st was the seller

digitalera (139937 139937 positive feedback) 30/11/22
customer1st was the buyer

yanc (13566 13566 positive feedback) 14/10/22
customer1st was the buyer

yanc (13566 13566 positive feedback) 14/10/22
customer1st was the buyer

fonethings (29011 29011 positive feedback) 22/9/22
customer1st was the buyer

sliperyjohn (245 245 positive feedback) 14/9/22
customer1st was the seller

happymobile (42134 42134 positive feedback) 13/9/22
customer1st was the buyer

lioneon (22 22 positive feedback) 28/8/22
customer1st was the seller

synlamont (47 47 positive feedback) 6/8/22
customer1st was the seller

l.m13 (31 31 positive feedback) 27/6/22
customer1st was the seller

leigh008 (699 699 positive feedback) 2/6/22
customer1st was the seller

thornkm89 (28 28 positive feedback) 24/5/22
customer1st was the seller

krisps (45 45 positive feedback) 22/5/22
customer1st was the seller

chrissy888 (158 158 positive feedback) 18/5/22
customer1st was the seller

killphil (44 44 positive feedback) 15/3/22
customer1st was the seller

johnkeith (65 65 positive feedback) 14/3/22
customer1st was the seller

louise289 (380 380 positive feedback) 9/3/22
customer1st was the seller

 Latest 114 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  >>

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.