BodyworX Fitness


863 positive feedbacks. 739 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
5 neutral feedbacks.
3 negative feedbacks. 3 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
Last logged in: 12 June 2024
Member since: February 2015
Listings in the last two months: 1008
Final rating: 739 - 3 = 736
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 873 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  >>
slippers69 (113 113 positive feedback) 6/6/24
bodyworxfitness was the seller

slippers69 (113 113 positive feedback) 6/6/24
bodyworxfitness was the seller

twisty-x (132 132 positive feedback) 2/6/24
bodyworxfitness was the buyer

jpsmit91 (4 4 positive feedback) 9/5/24
bodyworxfitness was the buyer

pacifictradenz (60015 60015 positive feedback) 25/4/24
bodyworxfitness was the buyer

bobby_v35 (331 331 positive feedback) 2/4/24
bodyworxfitness was the seller

spar008 (283 283 positive feedback) 7/12/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

athenah (378 378 positive feedback) 7/11/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

barjen20 (55 55 positive feedback) 5/11/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

expedential (100 100 positive feedback) 24/10/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

barnesn (124 124 positive feedback) 16/8/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

ru55 (134 134 positive feedback) 15/8/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

rogersli (2 ) 6/8/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

livingdeal (11899 11899 positive feedback) 6/7/23
bodyworxfitness was the buyer (73 73 positive feedback) 30/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

lucan_32 (311 311 positive feedback) 30/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

libby27 (338 338 positive feedback) 29/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the buyer

briteeyes2 (13 13 positive feedback) 16/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

tenguking (101 101 positive feedback) 10/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

hollie104 (3 3 positive feedback) 9/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

skuxx78 (249 249 positive feedback) 8/6/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

tilefx (108 108 positive feedback) 31/5/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

gymrat009 (106 106 positive feedback) 24/5/23
bodyworxfitness was the seller

ekizz (154 154 positive feedback) 21/11/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

catchmeifyoucn (14 14 positive feedback) 1/11/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

andy24682 (52 52 positive feedback) 14/10/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

dylan.pope (257 257 positive feedback) 5/10/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

gillan.tim (18 18 positive feedback) 4/10/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

tony884 (383 383 positive feedback) 29/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

kat135 (153 153 positive feedback) 27/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

cye2 (288 288 positive feedback) 25/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

samandash (206 206 positive feedback) 23/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

aparangi (292 292 positive feedback) 14/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

raptor13 (111 111 positive feedback) 13/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

jalandardigurd (179 179 positive feedback) 12/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

lucky4441 (52 52 positive feedback) 12/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

jess1323 (140 140 positive feedback) 12/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

lachick (386 386 positive feedback) 12/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

mai79 (59 59 positive feedback) 8/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

jeremy268 (22 22 positive feedback) 8/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

gisellejay (68 68 positive feedback) 6/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

geeteo1 (607 607 positive feedback) 6/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

jklewis (303 303 positive feedback) 1/9/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

mishima (959 959 positive feedback) 23/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

dinglemouse3 (5421 5421 positive feedback) 17/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

dinglemouse3 (5421 5421 positive feedback) 17/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

koino (220 220 positive feedback) 16/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

mrbigjuic (60 60 positive feedback) 11/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

knightmuzic (59 59 positive feedback) 8/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

pug23 (33 33 positive feedback) 8/8/22
bodyworxfitness was the seller

 Latest 873 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  >>

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.