Cool Gifts


345 positive feedbacks. 328 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
12 neutral feedbacks.
18 negative feedbacks. 18 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
Last logged in: 1 June 2024
Member since: May 2017
Listings in the last two months: 592
Final rating: 328 - 18 = 310
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 375 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  >>
71monty (463 463 positive feedback) 22/5/24
stuartwills was the seller
Sold for $89.95

epirb1 (67 67 positive feedback) 19/5/24
stuartwills was the seller
Sold for $15.00

wanderingsoot (10 10 positive feedback) 10/5/24
stuartwills was the seller
 trader responded:15/5/24

jonogm (544 544 positive feedback) 1/5/24
stuartwills was the seller

sjirk.couperus (90 90 positive feedback) 27/4/24
stuartwills was the seller

holdenman85vk (93 93 positive feedback) 13/4/24
stuartwills was the seller

grub01 (339 339 positive feedback) 12/4/24
stuartwills was the seller

strapped (547 547 positive feedback) 10/4/24
stuartwills was the seller

rells (103 103 positive feedback) 8/4/24
stuartwills was the seller

handsomeguy (77 77 positive feedback) 4/4/24
stuartwills was the seller

luckylegs1 (142 142 positive feedback) 15/3/24
stuartwills was the seller

jody89 (1071 1071 positive feedback) 11/3/24
stuartwills was the seller

rickiec (153 153 positive feedback) 26/2/24
stuartwills was the seller

d1bagged (202 202 positive feedback) 21/2/24
stuartwills was the seller

d1bagged (202 202 positive feedback) 21/2/24
stuartwills was the seller

scottrat (174 174 positive feedback) 16/2/24
stuartwills was the seller

mcgarvey2 (90 90 positive feedback) 31/1/24
stuartwills was the seller

rossco111 (1444 1444 positive feedback) 22/1/24
stuartwills was the seller

james1203 (519 519 positive feedback) 20/1/24
stuartwills was the seller

lyn023 (112 112 positive feedback) 15/1/24
stuartwills was the seller

byn970 (126 126 positive feedback) 8/1/24
stuartwills was the seller

phillip.c (354 354 positive feedback) 31/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

xrachelpudneyx (31 31 positive feedback) 22/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

adc111 (91 91 positive feedback) 20/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

samb.1 (9 9 positive feedback) 18/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

flissnz (173 173 positive feedback) 16/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

jomels (1937 1937 positive feedback) 15/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

tony630 (65 65 positive feedback) 13/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

tony630 (65 65 positive feedback) 13/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

naifr (104 104 positive feedback) 10/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

marmalade (1433 1433 positive feedback) 9/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

jaymuscleman68 (9 9 positive feedback) 4/12/23
stuartwills was the seller
(#4423100733) (498 498 positive feedback) 2/12/23
stuartwills was the seller

reelingmaze (1615 1615 positive feedback) 29/11/23
stuartwills was the seller

neddy49 (279 279 positive feedback) 24/11/23
stuartwills was the seller
 trader responded:24/11/23

adrian1966 (591 591 positive feedback) 20/11/23
stuartwills was the seller

mathewgeorge (89 89 positive feedback) 13/11/23
stuartwills was the seller

timaz (1613 1613 positive feedback) 3/11/23
stuartwills was the seller

timaz (1613 1613 positive feedback) 3/11/23
stuartwills was the seller

tas3 (1475 1475 positive feedback) 30/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

mince00 (330 330 positive feedback) 30/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

tedj (131 131 positive feedback) 30/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

jeriayne1229 (51 51 positive feedback) 25/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

recycletreasure (1198 1198 positive feedback) 25/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

pigletsparadise (321 321 positive feedback) 13/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

ellieryde (12 12 positive feedback) 2/10/23
stuartwills was the seller

divneet (42 42 positive feedback) 30/9/23
stuartwills was the seller

chardy74 (-4 -4 positive feedback) 19/9/23
stuartwills was the seller

john662 (313 313 positive feedback) 15/9/23
stuartwills was the seller

rafaelturnbull (7 7 positive feedback) 11/9/23
stuartwills was the seller

 Latest 375 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  >>

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.