CR Tech


If you have received an item by freight or courier, please ensure there is no damage to the parcel before accepting it. 

If you experience problems with your item after receipt, please inform us by email as soon as possible and we will repair/ replace/ refund your item according to our obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act. 

Eco Tech ltd deals in re conditioned and repaired second-hand computers, laptops, IT and communications equipment. 

As such if there is a return for a faulty product and we are unable to repair it on site with the parts we have available we can offer a full refund or a similar value product of your choice. We do not have a large supply of spare parts for repairs on hand and do not order new replacement parts for faulty units. 

Our products are priced to reflect this. 

Please note we do not have to give you a refund, repair or replace your purchase if you: 

  • change your mind 
  • break your item accidentally or on purpose 
  • take your purchase somewhere else to be fixed before returning it to us. 

If you have any enquires please feel free to email us at? call us on 09 525 5518