Alpine Spas Wellington


23 positive feedbacks. 22 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
0 neutral feedbacks.
0 negative feedbacks.
Last logged in: 1 May 2024
Member since: March 2017
Listings in the last two months: 294
Final rating: 22 - 0 = 22
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 23 feedbacks, showing 1 to 23 
aok1 (370 370 positive feedback) 26/1/24
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

lizzel5 (93 93 positive feedback) 22/9/23
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

ssholdenchev (297 297 positive feedback) 15/8/22
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

tonycutting (12 12 positive feedback) 26/11/21
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

coaltar (137 137 positive feedback) 30/10/21
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

19tony53 (32 32 positive feedback) 18/10/21
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

coro170 (286 286 positive feedback) 12/9/21
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

donna_neil (195 195 positive feedback) 19/10/19
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

rachaelc (693 693 positive feedback) 9/10/19
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

truckedup (91 91 positive feedback) 29/7/19
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

leonard42 (133 133 positive feedback) 26/7/19
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

caos1 (69 69 positive feedback) 13/11/18
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

hayden023 (187 187 positive feedback) 7/8/18
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

pookie_halo (40 40 positive feedback) 13/12/17
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

jmp01 (346 346 positive feedback) 18/9/17
alpinespas_wlg was the seller

realwholesale (125225 125225 positive feedback) 5/4/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

galaxylighting (1127 1127 positive feedback) 27/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

moderndeal (79960 79960 positive feedback) 16/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

savebarnroto (11278 11278 positive feedback) 14/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

savebarnwre (13973 13973 positive feedback) 14/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

no1fitness_chch (24972 24972 positive feedback) 13/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

easy_az (8386 8386 positive feedback) 13/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

easy_az (8386 8386 positive feedback) 13/3/17
alpinespas_wlg was the buyer

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.