Precision Computers

About the store

Precision Stationery & Office Furniture has been in existence for over 15 years, serving businesses in the Auckland Region with office furniture and stationery. With the added value of our Computer Services Department, you could say that in the whole of New Zealand we are the only company that offers you "A TOTAL OFFICE SOLUTION" dealing in Office furniture(new and preloved), Computer(Hardware, software, Desktop & Network Services & Support) and Commercial Stationery. We can proudly say we can supply practically anything an office requires except STAFF.

We help businesses to run their businesses by providing them with all the basic office needs required to operate efficiently on a daily basis.

We are also a registered second hand dealer.

Customer service:
If you have any special requirement or specific question regarding an auction please send us an email. If you require a specific product email us and we will add the item on Trademe.