The Gunshop


9058 positive feedbacks. 5797 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
43 neutral feedbacks.
20 negative feedbacks. 17 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
Last logged in: 3 June 2024
Member since: September 2002
Listings in the last two months: 1446
Final rating: 5797 - 17 = 5780
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 1000 feedbacks, showing 601 to 650 <<   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>
oliver2011 (119 119 positive feedback) 17/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

bj490 (247 247 positive feedback) 14/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

bourque7 (111 111 positive feedback) 14/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

fredrick1 (239 239 positive feedback) 11/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

fredrick1 (239 239 positive feedback) 11/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

vjw (242 242 positive feedback) 11/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

bullhuntahr (10 10 positive feedback) 10/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

birssy (333 333 positive feedback) 9/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

neo_11 (299 299 positive feedback) 8/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

andy3bike (550 550 positive feedback) 5/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

andy440 (169 169 positive feedback) 4/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

willyrj1 (910 910 positive feedback) 3/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

chad122 (46 46 positive feedback) 1/11/21
thegunshop was the seller

fredrick1 (239 239 positive feedback) 31/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

bcstaupo (130 130 positive feedback) 31/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

fisher24 (309 309 positive feedback) 28/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

fisher24 (309 309 positive feedback) 28/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

ioane1 (1547 1547 positive feedback) 27/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

mcnamonkey (1030 1030 positive feedback) 24/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

ashar (247 247 positive feedback) 24/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

robsnuts (281 281 positive feedback) 20/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

arcady1 (123 123 positive feedback) 19/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

dearns (731 731 positive feedback) 17/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

clerevans (4131 4131 positive feedback) 17/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

willyrj1 (910 910 positive feedback) 14/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

spanzel (737 737 positive feedback) 14/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

spanzel (737 737 positive feedback) 14/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

jadehop (637 637 positive feedback) 13/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

amz25 (1220 1220 positive feedback) 12/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

csqtn (26 26 positive feedback) 12/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

fourdogs (780 780 positive feedback) 10/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

mckean2 (191 191 positive feedback) 9/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

goldieltd (12 12 positive feedback) 8/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

shomar_kadief (73 73 positive feedback) 8/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

planky (110 110 positive feedback) 5/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

starscreamin (82 82 positive feedback) 5/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

aloe2 (164 164 positive feedback) 5/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

hunfighter (295 295 positive feedback) 4/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

kj39 (509 509 positive feedback) 3/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

dpmsar15 (384 384 positive feedback) 1/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

spanzel (737 737 positive feedback) 1/10/21
thegunshop was the seller

pastrana1 (286 286 positive feedback) 30/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

max12263 (338 338 positive feedback) 29/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

jailbar2 (1968 1968 positive feedback) 29/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

spanzel (737 737 positive feedback) 29/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

exkiwi4 (169 169 positive feedback) 28/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

roundest (20 20 positive feedback) 28/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

gyz1 (49 49 positive feedback) 28/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

mike132b (932 932 positive feedback) 27/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

goodbyebunny (198 198 positive feedback) 27/9/21
thegunshop was the seller

 Latest 1000 feedbacks, showing 601 to 650 <<   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.