Salary Centre
Check out national pay rates by category.
Category Median pay Range
Accounting $65k $42k - $125k
Agriculture, fishing & forestry $50k $37k - $85k
Architecture $75k $45k - $125k
Automotive $55k $37k - $85k
Banking, finance & insurance $65k $42k - $125k
Construction & roading $60k $37k - $145k
Customer service $45k $37k - $65k
Education $55k $37k - $85k
Engineering $70k $42k - $125k
Executive & general management $85k $45k - $207k
Government & council $70k $40k - $145k
Healthcare $55k $40k - $85k
Hospitality & tourism $45k $35k - $63k
HR & recruitment $65k $45k - $125k
IT $100k $45k - $207k
Legal $65k $40k - $115k
Manufacturing & operations $47k $35k - $85k
Marketing, media & communications $65k $42k - $125k
Office & administration $50k $37k - $75k
Other $47k $35k - $105k
Property $75k $42k - $155k
Retail $42k $35k - $65k
Sales $60k $37k - $105k
Science & technology $55k $37k - $105k
Trades & services $55k $37k - $85k
Transport & logistics $50k $37k - $80k
Data is for full-time roles listed on Trade Me Jobs between May 2018 and November 2018

The range represents the 5th and 95th percentile.