In the past 12 months, the Opel Mokka-e has been listed 17 times on our platform, with an average asking price of $36,814. The Opel Mokka-e has only 1 body style, the rv/suv.
The average safety rating for the Opel Mokka-e is 4 out of a possible 5 stars (5 being the safest, 1 being the least safe). In addition, for fuel economy, the Opel Mokka-e earns a 6 out of a possible 5 stars.
Currently, we only have listings for Opel Mokka-e's from 2022 and 2023. The most popular Mokka-e model comes from 2023.
In the past 12 months, the Opel Mokka-e has been listed 17 times on our platform, with an average asking price of $36,814. The Opel Mokka-e has only 1 body styl...