Stronghold Trading Ltd


967 positive feedbacks. 860 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
6 neutral feedbacks.
1 negative feedback, which is from a single member and counts towards the final rating.
Last logged in: 3 June 2024
Member since: February 2004
Listings in the last two months: 227
Final rating: 860 - 1 = 859
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 977 feedbacks, showing 551 to 600 <<   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>
dbk3 (518 518 positive feedback) 2/10/13
strongholdconz was the buyer

liver_pool (85 85 positive feedback) 17/9/13
strongholdconz was the seller

hsp3 (269 269 positive feedback) 9/9/13
strongholdconz was the seller

blinco (84 84 positive feedback) 31/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

azzy4 (153 153 positive feedback) 29/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

baroque (762 762 positive feedback) 29/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

squidly123 (283 283 positive feedback) 29/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

speedycut1 (175 175 positive feedback) 29/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

aj209 (36 36 positive feedback) 23/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

vibert (58 58 positive feedback) 1/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

vibert (58 58 positive feedback) 1/8/13
strongholdconz was the seller

anusk (23 23 positive feedback) 29/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

jon184 (215 215 positive feedback) 22/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

lci-andrew (212 212 positive feedback) 19/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

luke0072 (57 57 positive feedback) 17/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

raymie (149 149 positive feedback) 14/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

franciscus (193 193 positive feedback) 13/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

minniemouse20 (679 679 positive feedback) 10/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

jmrobertson (625 625 positive feedback) 7/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

batman05 (76 76 positive feedback) 6/7/13
strongholdconz was the seller

magellanimports (11591 11591 positive feedback) 24/6/13
strongholdconz was the buyer

chameleon26 (216 216 positive feedback) 17/6/13
strongholdconz was the seller

bigearn (411 411 positive feedback) 14/6/13
strongholdconz was the seller

darky6 (1761 1761 positive feedback) 3/6/13
strongholdconz was the seller

zl1uxd (154 154 positive feedback) 28/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

chipper11 (275 275 positive feedback) 28/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

miscelaine (186 186 positive feedback) 25/5/13
strongholdconz was the buyer

joe2091 (14 14 positive feedback) 25/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

dogrob (181 181 positive feedback) 24/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

shark574 (111 111 positive feedback) 18/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

wagoon (162 162 positive feedback) 16/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

jim345 (377 377 positive feedback) 16/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

jareb11 (50 50 positive feedback) 14/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

wayneanddebs (29 29 positive feedback) 7/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

wayneanddebs (29 29 positive feedback) 7/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

greenberet (58 58 positive feedback) 6/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

cj114 (76 76 positive feedback) 5/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

johnp7 (157 157 positive feedback) 5/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

highlanders5 (82 82 positive feedback) 5/5/13
strongholdconz was the seller

wendy83 (706 706 positive feedback) 24/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

whistle12 (41 41 positive feedback) 24/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

lizzya1 (143 143 positive feedback) 23/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

sondrya (376 376 positive feedback) 20/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

reynolds8 (306 306 positive feedback) 17/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

damz-v (781 781 positive feedback) 12/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

dskip (437 437 positive feedback) 10/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

chimpsta78 (137 137 positive feedback) 5/4/13
strongholdconz was the seller

club54 (60 60 positive feedback) 21/3/13
strongholdconz was the seller

club54 (60 60 positive feedback) 21/3/13
strongholdconz was the seller

dbak (249 249 positive feedback) 19/3/13
strongholdconz was the seller

 Latest 977 feedbacks, showing 551 to 600 <<   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.