Whangamata is in Waikato. Every year, our platform helps hundreds of homebuyers find homes in Waikato, with many of those in Whangamata.
In Jan-25, the average sales price for a medium-sized house (3-4 bedrooms) in Whangamata is $1,468,700, a change of 14% compared to last three months. In addition, this time last year mid-sized houses in Whangamata were listed on TradeMe for $1,490,700, meaning prices have decreased by 1%.
Meanwhile, small houses (1-2 bedrooms) in Whangamata are available for $867,150 on average, a change of 7% compared to the last three months ($811,850). Similarly, this time last year the average value of a listing for a small-sized house in Whangamata was $943,300, meaning there has been a reduction in prices by 8%.
Whangamata is in Waikato. Every year, our platform helps hundreds of homebuyers find homes in Waikato, with many of those in Whangamata.