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Home made animal remedies are subject to the ACVM Act
Your home-made animal remedies must also comply with the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act.
23 February 2021Have you found a magic cure for facial eczema?
Maybe found a way to get rid of chicken mites?
If the answer is yes, then there are a few things you’ll need to know and check off before listing your miracle elixir or 'natural animal remedy' for sale on Trade Me.
What you intend to sell is likely to be an agricultural compound – a substance or mixture of substances to diagnose, prevent, or treat conditions of animals.
This means that your product will be regulated by the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act 1997.
This regulation is necessary to ensure these types of products cause no harm to the environment, people, and most importantly the animals that are exposed to these substances. It is also to ensure that these products cause no adverse effects on foods and primary produce intended for local and export markets.
If you wish to list an agricultural compound, ask yourself these questions:
- Is my product actually an Agricultural Compound?
- Does it need to be registered or is it exempt from registration?
- Is there other legislation that I need to consider and be aware of?
If you discover that your product is an agricultural compound and is not exempt from registration, then you will need to make an application to the Ministry for Primary Industries before manufacturing, importing or selling your product.
There is a lot of information that you’ll need to comply with before you can make an application to register your Trade Name Product (TNP).
Check out this summary for more information.
Finally, if you are listing animal remedies, be wary of making any unsubstantiated or therapeutic claims.
Creative Commons image used courtesy Peter Cooper on Flickr.