Stronghold Trading Ltd


967 positive feedbacks. 860 are from individual members, and count towards the final rating.
6 neutral feedbacks.
1 negative feedback, which is from a single member and counts towards the final rating.
Last logged in: 15 May 2024
Member since: February 2004
Listings in the last two months: 228
Final rating: 860 - 1 = 859
Is an authenticated member
 Latest 977 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>
k35 (377 377 positive feedback) 11/5/24
strongholdconz was the seller
Sold for $1,489.25

beechgrove (571 571 positive feedback) 5/5/24
strongholdconz was the seller

simplynatural (83 83 positive feedback) 18/2/24
strongholdconz was the seller

stevicb (623 623 positive feedback) 2/2/24
strongholdconz was the buyer

horsesbutt (289 289 positive feedback) 24/1/24
strongholdconz was the seller

top-fuel (228 228 positive feedback) 13/1/24
strongholdconz was the seller

matta15 (188 188 positive feedback) 10/1/24
strongholdconz was the seller

smartmarine (12729 12729 positive feedback) 28/11/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

flyboy7447 (188 188 positive feedback) 24/11/23
strongholdconz was the seller

twalton (89 89 positive feedback) 16/10/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

martina111 (97 97 positive feedback) 4/10/23
strongholdconz was the seller

thanksgiving (48583 48583 positive feedback) 28/9/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

jsmum1 (1605 1605 positive feedback) 24/9/23
strongholdconz was the seller

jeremy051 (157 157 positive feedback) 13/7/23
strongholdconz was the seller

powertoolsnz (10479 10479 positive feedback) 23/6/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

mot12 (208 208 positive feedback) 10/6/23
strongholdconz was the seller

mogstar1 (152 152 positive feedback) 28/5/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

fintab (156 156 positive feedback) 26/4/23
strongholdconz was the seller

ben1119 (253 253 positive feedback) 20/4/23
strongholdconz was the seller

welshman12 (16 16 positive feedback) 11/4/23
strongholdconz was the seller

swordfish19 (381 381 positive feedback) 5/4/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

swordfish19 (381 381 positive feedback) 5/4/23
strongholdconz was the buyer

kiwikaren21 (39 39 positive feedback) 18/3/23
strongholdconz was the seller

brachiosaurus (89 89 positive feedback) 3/3/23
strongholdconz was the seller

xjjeep (136 136 positive feedback) 29/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

marcrupp (113 113 positive feedback) 20/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

expatinva (449 449 positive feedback) 15/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

twin_rock_farm (433 433 positive feedback) 14/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

bakes64 (54 54 positive feedback) 7/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

stronghotcoffee (798 798 positive feedback) 4/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

dont_know1 (740 740 positive feedback) 1/11/22
strongholdconz was the seller

smartmarine (12729 12729 positive feedback) 20/10/22
strongholdconz was the buyer

spray-e-quip (4741 4741 positive feedback) 6/10/22
strongholdconz was the buyer

kingsallers (136 136 positive feedback) 5/10/22
strongholdconz was the seller

linda1111 (465 465 positive feedback) 29/8/22
strongholdconz was the seller

wgnrm (6 6 positive feedback) 4/8/22
strongholdconz was the seller

lollyb1 (223 223 positive feedback) 28/6/22
strongholdconz was the seller

bingley5 (186 186 positive feedback) 22/6/22
strongholdconz was the seller

grant.o (1223 1223 positive feedback) 20/6/22
strongholdconz was the buyer

katbyday (46 46 positive feedback) 5/6/22
strongholdconz was the seller

oldman4 (571 571 positive feedback) 20/5/22
strongholdconz was the seller

peterarthur (870 870 positive feedback) 19/5/22
strongholdconz was the seller

6girls (43 43 positive feedback) 5/5/22
strongholdconz was the seller

jmv63 (454 454 positive feedback) 8/4/22
strongholdconz was the seller

trev_gold (249 249 positive feedback) 1/4/22
strongholdconz was the seller

little-sisters (519 519 positive feedback) 19/3/22
strongholdconz was the seller

omanian (6 6 positive feedback) 18/1/22
strongholdconz was the seller

thanksgiving (48583 48583 positive feedback) 28/12/21
strongholdconz was the buyer

hamzaka (31342 31342 positive feedback) 8/11/21
strongholdconz was the buyer

fifeshirefork (40 40 positive feedback) 20/10/21
strongholdconz was the seller

 Latest 977 feedbacks, showing 1 to 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  >>

Note The value of each trade will show for two months from the date of the sale.