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Adin Scott

Adin Scott

7 years and 8 months of experience
8 Sold
in last 12 months
1 For sale

Bayleys Arrowtown

(Licensed: REAA 2008)
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About Adin Scott

Adin is a dedicated sales agent who has gained a reputation for providing exceptional service and working tirelessly for his clients to get the best possible outcome.

Before becoming a licensee salesperson with Bayleys Arrowtown, Adin worked in marketing for a leading Dunedin real estate agency for three years and Ray White Arrowtown for six in both marketing and sales. Previous to that, Adin had extensive sales experience in London and as a successful graphic de...

Serviced areas

Frankton Lower Shotover Lake Wakatipu Arrowtown Arrow Junction Lake Hayes Dalefield

Adin's career overview

Skills Skills

Auctions Communication Skills Negotiation Sales & Marketing Digital Marketing

Awards Awards

No awards have been provided yet

Adin's testimonials

“Craig, Jo and Adin were absolutely brilliant to work with when recently buying our property. We felt they made everything so easy and stress free even when the tender date was bought forward due to other highly motivated buyers. ... “Jo, Craig and Adin could not have been more perfect, they were always, always there for me. Nothing was ever a problem.” 10/10 - Theresa and Richard Ayres “I was over the moon with the result! Craig, Jo and Adin worked extremely hard on my behalf. Nothing was a bother to them and the final result was fantastic!” - Mary May “Jo, Craig and Adin were referred to us by friends when we decided to sell. They handled the successful sale of our home with honesty, integrity and professionalism at all times. We would not hesitate to recommend their services t... I would like to recommend the Scotts at Bayleys Arrowtown office to anyone considering selling their property . Adin sold our property in Mcdonnell Road some time ago . Adin bought the potential buyer to our house on the Wednesda...

Adin's properties

Here you can see all of the properties Adin currently has for sale and has sold in the last 12 months on It may not contain off-market and private sales.

Adin Scott

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