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Manurewa Apartments & Houses To Rent

Get to know Manurewa

Manurewa is in Auckland. Thousands of people scour our property listings each month in search of a new home, with many of these people looking at areas in Manurewa.

In Jan-25, the average listing price for Large Houses (4-5 bedrooms) in Manurewa is $1,031,400. This is a change of 4% compared to the previous three months. Similarly, this time last year Large Houses in Manurewa were listed at $991,000, meaning prices have increased by 4% .

Meanwhile, medium-sized houses (3-4 bedrooms) in Manurewa are listed for $758,150 on average. This constitutes a change of 1% compared to the previous three months. Year on year, the average listing price for medium-sized properties in Manurewa has actually fallen by 4%, up from a value of $785,700.

Lastly, 1-2 bedroom homes in Manurewa are available for $579,900 on average, a change of 1% on the prior three months ($575,150). Compared to last year, small homes in Manurewa have seen a 5% decrease from $611,100.

Manurewa is in Auckland. Thousands of people scour our property listings each month in search of a new home, with many of these people looking at areas in Manur...

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